How Wheatgrass Is Helpful To Your Health

Colon cleansing foods help your colon cleanse program work. In fact, if you don't eat the right foods, your cleanse program will probably not even work. Worse than that, taking supplements to cleanse while eating junk foods or processed foods may become extremely uncomfortable and make your efforts useless.

This plant is one the healthiest things you can consume. A small service of WheatGrass Powder can give you almost an entire serving of your recommended greens. It can also be used for dieting. For example, you can try mixing some wheatgrass powder or juicing in fruit smoothie and it can substitute for a meal.

Potassium salts are easy to find in most plants. The sodium salts are a little harder to find, and many people are deficient in them. Celery is high in sodium electrolyte minerals, and this is why I recommend celery as the foundation of juices.

It is highly alkalizing: Our body's blood pH should be maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35-7.45. If we deviate from this range, then we die. Illness and disease is caused by an acidic environment in the body, where there is a battle to keep the bllod at it's correct alklaine pH.35-7.45. We therefore need to follow an alkaline diet for optimum health and to avoid illness & disease.

In the 20's and 30': Dr. Charles Schnabel, a Kansas City scientist added "greens" to chicken feed and the egg production rose from 38% to 94%! He reasoned if it works for chickens, it should work for children! Dr. Schnabel gave his check here family and neighbors dehydrated grass juice..."None of his children ever had a serious illness or a decayed tooth."- Buffalo Courier Express - June 1, 1942.

Chewing the juice allows the nutrients to be absorbed under the tongue and helps strengthen the teeth. You could also chew the grass, but don't swallow because grass fiber is indigestible.

Eating the right foods is the most important way to nourish our bodies. We can easily get into the habit of eating the same foods all the time. It is so important to vary our diets in order to ensure we are getting more of a variety of nutrients.

However, I then discovered the magic of freshly squeezed wheatrass juice, which is a beautiful superfood drink! The taste is so potent, unlike anything else imaginable! It almost tastes alcoholic because of its potency but it definitely feels healthy and has a sweet after taste. I was hooked and I am sure you will be too when you taste it and see the phenomenal effects it will have on your levels of vitality and health when taken regularly.

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